BUT FIRST.. Before you start reading this website, let me introduce you to what is going to be happening. This website, obviously, is about video games. I will give you a quick tour about the world of gaming and things about it. Please enjoy!
In October 1958, Physicist William Higinbotham created what is that to be the first ever video game. The game that he created was a simple Tennis game similar to the 1970s Pong game. The video game William created was a big hit at first.
Well, you cannot really say that one certain person created Video Games. There are MANY games that have been created that people play globally, and for each game there are a bunch of different creators! However, what we can say is that William Higinbotham, the creator of the first ever video game was an inspiration, thus leading to many other video games being created by different people.
There are many different video games you can play! We obviously cannot list all of them, so lets make a list of some popular ones!
There are different types of games. Some games are FPS games, meaning they are first person shooter games, such as Valorant, Fortnite, and more! Other games are 2D games, like mobile games like Clash Royale! There are also 3D games like Minecraft. There are multiple different categories! Recently, there has been another type of game that has been created. VR games! It makes everything feel very realistic! You should definitely try out playing all of these different types of games! I guarantee you feel find at least one of them interesting and you will enjoy playing them!
Okay, that was my website. I know it was kind of short but I hope you enjoyed!!!! I hope you learned one or two things from my website. BTW U better vote for me as best website